Friday, 18 March 2011

Save Philosophy at Keele!

[Leaflet by Enric G. Torrents]
DEFEND the ARTS and HUMANITIES today reports on the worrying news of a threat to the Philosophy Department at Keele University. It urges its readers to consider signing the online petition set up to register protest against a move to close this successful department. Please see below:
Keele was founded in 1949 by the philosopher A D Lindsay, an advocate of education for the working classes, and who thought of Keele as the 'people's university'. The University claims its current mission is 'to be recognised as the UK’s leading example of an open, integrated intellectual community.' [Peter Kail (Oxford) cited by Keele University Considering Closure of Its Philosophy Department!"hyperlinks added by DEFEND the ARTS and HUMANITIES
Keele University is planning to shut down its philosophy department, a move critics describe as an “emblematic loss” that would damage the institution’s credibility.
       Keele has judged that the department, which teaches about 200 undergraduates, should be wound down without further admissions as part of a drive to save £6.5 million in staff costs over two years.
      The university also plans to close its Centre for Professional Ethics, which employs eight academics.
[John Morgan, "Keele's Philosophers Stare into the Abyss", Times Higher, March 18, 2011: read more - hyperlinks added by DEFEND the ARTS and HUMANITIES]
Since May 2010 Keele University's Senate has been considering ways to deal with changes in funding for the university. On the 16th March a paper was released to the Senate containing formal proposals to deal with these changes in funding. One such proposal was the complete closure of the philosophy programme at Keele. This decision is not only totally unjustified, but is also a travesty to the academic credibility of the university.
On the 7th April, the university Council will officially vote on the issue. This vote will either save or condemn the philosophy programme at Keele. This website has been set up to protest against the cutting of the philosophy program. Please support us in any way possible: the main way to do so would be to sign the petition that has been linked below.
But you could also do other things such as:
  • Tell as many people as possible about the closure and get them to sign the petition.
  • If you are a Keele student or Keele alumni please send to this email address a blurb about why you think that the philosophy programme should stay open. Entitle the email "Save Philosophy Blurb". As many as possible will be included in a document to be sent to the Vice Chancellor of Keele University.

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